Huzunlu, estetik, tarihin sokaklarina ozenle yazildigi ve silinmedigi sehir... Budapeste bende farkli bir duygu uyandirdi; ilk kez bir sehir fazla kibar gorundu bana; olur muymus demeyin oyle hissettim, ne yapabilirim ki... Bu da aslinda sehrin benimle adeta konususundan kaynaklaniyordu. Belki yagmur, belki bir gulus, belki isik, belki korunan tarih, belki de bendim nedeni... - Peaceful, aesthetic, the city where history was written on the streets and not erased ... It gave me a different feeling in Budapest; for the first time, a city seemed too kind to me; don’t be surprised about this, I felt, what can I do ... This was actually due to the city's talking to me. Maybe rain, maybe a smile, maybe light, maybe preserved history, maybe the reason was me ...