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Daglarin, bozkirlarin arasindan gecip, birden mavinin yesille dans ettigi baska bir gezegene varmak gibidir Beypazari guzellikleri... Mevsimler degisir, su azalir havuc tarlalari turuncuyla kaplar heryeri, gocmen kuslar gelir, hayat degisir ama guzellik hep aynidir... - Beypazari beauty is like reaching to another planet by passing mountains and steppes where blue and green dance...The seasons change, water level reduces, the carrot farms cover everywhere to orange colour, migrated birds arrive, life changes but the beauty is always the same...


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Aksaray, Niğde, Turkey Gunes, kayalar, golge ve siginma... Doganin benzerligi... - Sun, rocks, shadow and taking refuge... Similarity of the nature... Istanbul, Turkey Her tren gecisi aslinda hayatin icindeki bir…

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