Havana’da ABD Buyukelciligi’nin binasinin ustunde Kuba’ya yonelik yazilan elektronik anti propogandaya karsi, Kuba tarafindan binanin onune konulmus ortalarinda beyaz yildizli 138 siyah bayrak; tarihin farkli zamanlarinda oldurulmus Kubalilari temsil ediyor. O 138 kisiden birinin oglu babasini anarken, bir taraftan da devrim marslarindan birini soyluyor... O anda bayraklarin ruzgardaki dalgalanma sesleri ve mars adeta butun Havana’yi kapliyor...- Huge flag poles with 138 black flags representing 138 people somehow lost or killed overtime, each centered with a white star, blocking an electronic sign beaming message from the facade of the US diplomatic mission in Havana. One of the son of those 138 people mourning his son with the revolution song... At the same moment, Havana is being covered together with the sound of flags by wind and the song by the son...