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Bir kakao ve Pasifik okyanusu konusuyorlarmis karsilikli. Beraber nereye kadar gidebiliriz demis kakao... Sana bagli; ben bitmem, seni de kimse yemez, ozgurce dolasiriz suyun oldugu heryerde demis okyanus... Ozgurluk bizim sozcugumuz degil ki, o insanlara ait biz zaten ozguruz demis kakao... Okyanus dalgalanmis ve gulmus sularini saca saca... “ Oysa hep benim ustumden ucarken, ozgur olduklarini dusunuyorlar o minicik ucaklarin icinde...” Bugunlerde okyanus kenarinda bir kakao olmak istedim, ozgurce dalgalarla oynamak, gunesin batisini izlemek, uzanip yatmak umarsizca ve acelesizce... - A cocoa and the Pacific ocean had been talking. How long can we go together, said cocoa ... Depends on you; I am not finished, nobody will eat you, we will wander freely, wherever there is water, the ocean has been said ... Freedom is not our word, we already are free, that belongs to those people; said cocoa... Ocean fluctuated and laughed by scattering the water... As they fly, they think they are free in those tiny airplanes ... Nowadays, I wanted to be a cocoa by the ocean, playing with waves freely, watching the sunset, lying down reckless and leisurely...


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Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama

Ilk gordugum anda aklima gelen pelikanlarla konusan cocuktu. Sabah gundogumunda onlara anlattigini, fisildadigini, ruzgarin yardimiyla sozuklerini ilettigini dusunmustum. Hayal gucunun siniri yok; belki de pelikanlar onun evcil hayvanlariydi... Pelikanlara oykuler anlatan cocuk... Las Lajas’ta gercekustu bir sabah...- When I first saw it, it was the boy talking to the pelicans that came to my mind. In the sunrise, I thought that the kid told them, whispered, and conveyed the soul with the help of the wind. The imagination has no limit; perhaps the pelicans were the pets of kid... The kid, who is telling the stories to the pelicans ... A surreal morning in Las Lajas ...

Contadora Island, Panama

Bir kakao ve Pasifik okyanusu konusuyorlarmis karsilikli. Beraber nereye kadar gidebiliriz demis kakao... Sana bagli; ben bitmem, seni de kimse yemez, ozgurce dolasiriz suyun oldugu heryerde demis okyanus... Ozgurluk bizim sozcugumuz degil ki, o insanlara ait biz zaten ozguruz demis kakao... Okyanus dalgalanmis ve gulmus sularini saca saca... “ Oysa hep benim ustumden ucarken, ozgur olduklarini dusunuyorlar o minicik ucaklarin icinde...” Bugunlerde okyanus kenarinda bir kakao olmak istedim, ozgurce dalgalarla oynamak, gunesin batisini izlemek, uzanip yatmak umarsizca ve acelesizce... - A cocoa and the Pacific ocean had been talking. How long can we go together, said cocoa ... Depends on you; I am not finished, nobody will eat you, we will wander freely, wherever there is water, the ocean has been said ... Freedom is not our word, we already are free, that belongs to those people; said cocoa... Ocean fluctuated and laughed by scattering the water... As they fly, they think they are free in those tiny airplanes ... Nowadays, I wanted to be a cocoa by the ocean, playing with waves freely, watching the sunset, lying down reckless and leisurely...

Las Lajas, Chiriqui, Panama

Ilk gordugum anda aklima gelen pelikanlarla konusan cocuktu. Sabah gundogumunda onlara anlattigini, fisildadigini, ruzgarin yardimiyla sozuklerini ilettigini dusunmustum. Hayal gucunun siniri yok; belki de pelikanlar onun evcil hayvanlariydi... Pelikanlara oykuler anlatan cocuk... Las Lajas’ta gercekustu bir sabah...- When I first saw it, it was the boy talking to the pelicans that came to my mind. In the sunrise, I thought that the kid told them, whispered, and conveyed the soul with the help of the wind. The imagination has no limit; perhaps the pelicans were the pets of kid... The kid, who is telling the stories to the pelicans ... A surreal morning in Las Lajas ...

Panama City, Panama

Saatlerce okyanusta yuzlerce metre araliklarla dalip cikan balina ailesi bana en son olarak harika bir ani daha da yasatarak Pasifik’ten ayrildilar. Panama Kanal girisi ve kuzey ile guneyi birlestiren Las Américas Koprusu’nun onunde vedalastik dunyanin en harika canlilarindan biriyle... Bir balinadan ayrilinca en onemli etki; yasanan bu guzellikten sonra konusamamak, okyanusun ufuklarinda kulaginizdaki o muthis sesle basbasa kalmak.. - The whale family, which had been travelling in the ocean by diving for hundreds of meters in hours, left the Pacific by making me experience another fantastic moment. Farewell to one of the most wonderful creatures of the world in front of Panama Canal entrance and Las Américas Bridge, which unites the North and the South America. The best effect after leaving from the whales is being silence and staying at horizon of ocean together with the amazing voice in the ears...