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Balikcinin teknesindeki heyecanli Balikcil... Bu balikcillar ozellikle balik gorduklerinde heyecanlanip tum tuyleri kabariyor..Paracas’ta sabahin erken saatleri.. - Excited heron in the fisherman’s boat. These herons get excited when they see the fishes and their feathers swell.. Very early morning time in Paracas...


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Peru, Lima, Miraflores

Lima denince aklima once harika dalgalar, dalgalarin cakil taslariyla yaptigi muzik, sorf ve muthis gunbatimi geliyor.. Ve butun bunlara kisaca Miraflores deniyor.. - When it is talked about Lima, the first things recalling me are wonderful waves, the music by waves and pebbles, surfing and fantastic sunset.. All these shortly called as Miraflores..